Expertise you can trust

Antenatal classes in Cheltenham

Supporting you through your most important journey

"Invaluable Antenatal Classes"

"From clueless to confident in 4 sessions!"

"We couldn’t recommend Emily highly enough"


In-Person Antenatal Classes

Antenatal classes

“Really enjoyed attending Emily’s antenatal sessions; she is incredibly knowledgeable and friendly with a huge amount of resources (physical and digital) to hand, and the sessions were delivered in a really warming & calming environment (with snacks!)”

first aid classAll classes include a complimentary Online Breastfeeding Course + Online Paediatric First Aid Course.

FEDANT antenatal educatorFEDANT National Registration Number 13486

  • Antenatal Classes Near Me
  • What are Antenatal Classes?
  • When to start antenatal classes?
  • When do you start antenatal classes?
  • Best Antenatal Classes
  • Pregnancy classes in Cheltenham

Friendly and affordable antenatal classes in Cheltenham

[with payment plan options]

We are an independent antenatal and early postnatal education company with a personal touch. Our lead trainer Emily is a fully insured and FEDANT qualified antenatal and early postnatal educator, paediatric first aid educator and Mum. We work to empower you as parents-to-be in starting your journey on a beautiful new beginning!

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antenatal classes for couples
antenatal classes near me

“Excellent antenatal classes – Emily was so knowledgeable and welcoming. My partner Paul and I had a great experience and learnt so much. We would definitely recommend the classes, you get to learn and chat to others – there’s a really great mix. Thank you so much again Emily :)”

Lauren Reeves – Trustpilot review

antenatal reviews

When should I attend an antenatal class?

“around 30 to 32 weeks pregnant”

Most antenatal classes start around 8 to 10 weeks before your baby is due, when you’re around 30 to 32 weeks pregnant, this is when we recommend you start your four-week or two-day antenatal course with us. But we also offer an early pregnancy session, we’re currently the only group in Gloucestershire to offer one!

Our antenatal classes are held in Gotherington, near Cheltenham.

Our classes are perfect for all parents-to-be, with a variety of options from a one off early pregnancy session lasting just an hour and a half, to a four week evening antenatal course covering all the essentials of pregnancy, birth and beyond. We also offer a two-day course over two consecutive Saturday’s if weekends work better for you! We want to empower as many families in their journey through pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

4-week Antenatal Course

Our main course delivered over 4x 2 hour sessions, once a week on consecutive Mondays, 7-9pm. In our lovely location in Gotherington, Cheltenham.

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One on One Private Antenatal Course

Tailored content that specifically addresses the unique needs and concerns of the individual or couple. All in the comfort of our Cotswold location or your home!

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Online Hypnobirthing Classes

Our 3 hour Hypnobirthing session is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in hypnobirthing techniques. Our courses are suitable for everyone – whether it’s your first pregnancy or you’re seeking a refresher.

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“Very informative! I really enjoyed the course with Emily. She was very knowledgeable and covered so much. I would highly recommend the 4-week antenatal course”

Where do we meet & FAQ

Our courses currently run at The Old Chapel in Gotherington, with full use of a kitchen, toilet amenities and plenty of street parking it is a comfortable and welcoming space for our parents-to-be! Keep an eye on our website for other locations coming up soon.

  • How big are the antenatal classes?

    Classes are limited to 8 couples per class, we don’t let the classes become too big as this often means you don’t get the most out of the class and we don’t want you to feel supported as a small group.

  • What does the 4-week antenatal course cover?

    Over the four evenings or weekend dates, we’ll cover everything from;

    • Hormones
    • How labour might begin
    • How birth works
    • The labour process
    • Birth environment
    • Positions for labour
    • Pain management
    • Longer pregnancies and informed decision making
    • Massage, breathing and relaxation
    • Birth partner support and being an advocate
    • Assisted births and caesarean births
    • Skin-to-skin, feeding and the fourth trimester
    • Safe sleeping, baby care, the early days and easing into parenting
    • Physical recovery, emotional adjustment and practical support
    • Looking after your mental health

    All within a comfortable, safe and totally non-judgemental environment. You will have the course tutors number and be able to contact them at any point during and the first couple of months post-birth, just some extra support and reassurance should you need it at any point.

  • Do you run an antenatal class near me?

    We currently run our antenatal classes in a village called Gotherington, near Cheltenham. We are planning to run additional classes in Gloucester and Stroud soon – hopefully in 2023.

  • What if I can’t make it to a session?

    We will do our best to catch up with you before the next session, or arrange for you to come a little early to the next session for a 1-1 catch up, we will also send you any materials you might have missed.

  • Do I need to bring anything?

    Whatever will make you most comfortable, a birthing ball if that’s what’s most comfortable for you to sit on, a bean bag, a sleeping bag….anything! Sometimes pregnancy can make us a little uncomfortable, so whatever makes you feel more at ease or lessens any discomfort you might be feeling.

  • Will there be a social element?

    Yes! There’s plenty of time to get to know the others in your group and we will set up a whatsapp group so you can all support each other from pregnancy to birth and beyond! We also have a reunion session that is completely an informal and social event when your little ones are…….????

  • Will my partner be welcome?

    Of course! We pride ourselves on ensuring that birth partners, in whatever capacity, are welcome; we ensure that they are included in the course and are involved in each session, they are an important part of pregnancy, birth and beyond and we ensure that they get as much out of the sessions as the birthing people.

antenatal classes near me